Description Rodnei Mountains

Rodnei is the highest massif in the Eastern Carpathians (Pietrosu Rodnei Peak- 2.303 meters). Its main ridge (50 kilometers long, 3-40 km wide) offers you a splendid panorama of all the surrounding mountains.

Within this part of the Carpathian chain it is only in the Rodnei Mountains that we can find glittering tarns and typical icescoured valleys. Huge, spectacular caves were formed in this limestone region; many speleologists from the country and abroad visit them regularly. The cataracts appearing at every step along rapid streams also heighten the touristic appeal of the mountain.
Volcanic mountain, it has some glacial lakes like Lala and some caves, the most notable one is "Izvorul Tausoarelor", the deepest cave in Romania, and the second in Europe, going about 479 meters beneath the surface and "Jgheabul lui Zalion", 242 meters deep. Some protected species of flora and fauna can be observed here: edelweiss, chamois, marmot, lynx.
Borsa resort, is situated in the North, at the base of Rodnei Mountains, in the famous land of Maramures. Talking about this resort means, first and foremost, talking about winter sports and expeditions aiming to explore the mountain.

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